Policies Governing Scouting programs
Minimum age for most merit badge classes is 10, with parent in attendance. Minimum age for metalwork, woodwork and leatherwork classes is 12. Signed parental permission is required for all enrollees under age 18.
Some workshops use historic tools and machinery. Enrollees will be required to complete safety instruction and sign a release form before commencing those classes.
Proceeds from the activities and workshops go to support the ongoing historic preservation activities and scouting programs at Pioneer Farms.
Enrollment can be completed via U.S. Mail or online at PioneerFarms.org. Online and mail reservations must include payment for the full amount of the class, activity or workshop fee.
No refunds are allowed once the enrollment fee is received. Students who cannot attend a class for whatever reason may reschedule once, on a space-available basis.
To enroll in a workshop or seminar, please fill out and mail in the online form.
Unless otherwise noted, workshops and seminars (classes) are conducted at Pioneer Farms, 10621 Pioneer Farms Drive, Austin Texas 78754. Classes are held outdoors and in historic buildings that are not air-conditioned.
When you arrive for your class at Pioneer Farms, please check in at the General Store to receive instructions and verify the location of your class.
Class space is limited and enrollments are completed on a first come, first served basis. Classes are held rain or shine. No refunds once enrollment is complete.
Fees must be paid in full before enrollment is completed. Enrollment must be reserved and completed no later than one week before the class. Pioneer Farms reserves the right to change instructors and class sites without advance notice to enrollees.
Instructors in classes, activities and workshops have been instructed in Youth Protection rules and guidelines, as well as official Scout requirements for each badge or activity.
Participants in each activity or workshop will be required to complete all applicable requirements for the respective award or badge before they will receive a certification of advancement from the instructor.